Quintina L. Ricks, MPA
Founder and CEO


Ready to file your taxes? Good! The process is super simple. Start by selecting the category below that best fits your tax filing status:


You are planning to file under the status of “Single” or “Head of Household”

You are married or have a domestic partner with whom you plan to file with under the status of “Married Filing Jointly” or “Married Filing Separately”

You provide services to individuals or businesses on a contractual basis and are responsible for paying your own taxes.

You own a business that has at least one employee but not more than 50.

You own a company that has more than 50 employees or lead a 501c3 that has a board of directors.


We are a full-service accounting firm licensed in Louisiana. We offer a broad range of services for business owners, executives, and independent professionals. We are affordable, experienced, and friendly.